BICO → Professional Development → Leadership

Leading Globally

(~1.5 hr)

Global expansion can help a company grow faster, enjoy the benefits of global scale, and tap into the unique advantages of different locations. Yet, global expansion also creates many challenges—such as exposure to unfamiliar cultures and markets, difficulties in coordinating far-flung operations, and greater organizational complexity. Whether global expansion adds or destroys value depends on your company's ability to build the necessary local capabilities in the different markets and manage the global network effectively. In this course, join Anil Gupta and Haiyan Wang, two of the world's foremost experts on global strategy, as they step through how to maximize the benefits and minimize the costs and risks when leading a company which spans multiple markets. Discover how to connect with the local market, manage across cultures, cultivate employee engagement in foreign subsidiaries, cultivate a global mindset, and more.

Learning objectives

  • Identify the benefits and challenges of globalization.

  • Determine how to connect with each local market.

  • Explore relevant tips for managing global teams across cultures.

  • Examine way to manage and share knowledge across the globe.

  • Recognize how to build a company’s brand as a global employer.

  • Outline helpful tips on the best ways to manage an expatriate’s assignment.

  • Explore the fundamentals of establishing a one-company culture across the globe.

  • Determine how to cultivate a global mindset.

  • Foundations for Building Global Organizations
  • The benefits and challenges of globalization
  • How distance can be a challenge and an asset
  • Four models for global organizations
  • Chapter Quiz - Foundations
  • Building Local Capabilities
  • How to connect with the local market
  • Build your local leadership team
  • Managing Your Team Across Boarders
  • Tips for managing across cultures
  • How to lead global teams
  • How to manage and share knowledge across boarders
  • Using a single language with your global team
  • Nurturing Global Talent
  • How to build your brand as an employer
  • Cultivate employee engagement
  • How to groom global leaders
  • Tips on managing expatriate assignments
  • Leading the Global Organization
  • How to build a one-company culture
  • Cultivating a global mindset
  • Conclusion and Wrap Up
  • Next steps and more resources
  • Test questions
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever